Yupi 65 (UP 65) by Nikhil Sachan| Book Summary| Book Review

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Yupi 65 (UP 65) by Nikhil Sachan is one of the best books that highlights the confusion of most youngsters who after getting admitted into their dream institute are not happy and excited about it after spending a few days in it.

Author: Nikhil Sachan
Cover                                                                                       star star starstar

Plot                                                                                          star star star star

Narration                                                                                 star star star star

Characters                                                                                star star star star half star

Release Date                                                                              14 August 2017

Pages                                                                                         160


Book Review: Yupi 65 (UP 65) by Nikhil Sachan

Yupi 65 (UP 65) by Nikhil Sachan is an eye-opening story of Nishant and his friend that everybody should read before getting admitted to their favorite institute.

The story of the book flows smoothly and keeps the reader fully invested in the story. The story is live, funny, entertaining, and with a hidden inspiration for both parents and students.

Nishant is the main protagonist in the story. Nishant was happy, anxious, and studious when he entered BHU after clearing IIT for the first time. After spending a few days on campus he got confused. To explore more he made some amazing friends on campus.

Initially, he lost himself by doing things that most engineers do during their initial days in college. He even indulges himself in smoking, drinking, and forgetting all about his future and studies. Slowly he gets back to himself by reading more books, exploring Banaras, and teaching poor children.

Nishant’s friends Pandey, Akhil, Mohit, Prasad, and Vivek were also other interesting characters in the books. Their sense of humor while having a conversation makes the book funnier which many times made me smile while reading it.

Another interesting character in the story is of kabaddi. He is a local person who helps every student not only by selling basic things to them but also by sharing all the official and unofficial information with them. As the name suggests he is the junk seller but at times students trust him more than the vice-chancellor of the college.

Nishant’s girlfriend Shubra is also a very interesting character in the story. She speaks less but her action tells us more about her boundless love for his boyfriend.

The author used a lot of typical U.P language which adds real feelings and emotions to the story. The romance and exchange of feelings between the main protagonist Nishant and Shubra is less covered for me. I wish the author had written more about them to add a college romance element to the story.  

Whenever we want some motivation most of us turn to self-help books. I am also a great fan of the self-help genre. But I believe sometimes fiction books also teach us a lot through the story. I believe Yupi 65 (UP 65) by Nikhil Sachan is one of them. I will highly recommend it to college students to read it once in their life.

Overall this is a great book with an interesting story. I would like to recommend this book to young first-time fiction readers. If you are above 18 and want to start reading Hindi fiction books then Yupi 65 (UP 65) by Nikhil Sachan is one of the best to begin your reading journey.

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Book Summary| Yupi 65 (UP 65) by Nikhil Sachan| यूपी 65 by निखिल सचान

“टिपिकल हिन्दुस्तानी लड़ाई वह ख़ास क़िस्म की लड़ाई होती हैं जिसमें कमजोर आदमी तब तक शामिल नहीं होता हैं जब तक यह पक्का नहीं हो जाता कि पलड़ा किसका भारी हैं और जीतने की सारी प्रोबेबिलिटी किस टीम की हैं.”

 निखिल सचान द्वारा यूपी 65 एक  हिंदी उपन्यास हैं. इस उपन्यास की पृष्ठभूमि आई.आई.टी बनारस हैं. कहानी की शुरुआत में देश के कोने-कोने से आये विभिन्न छात्रों का आपस में परिचय, आई.आई.टी बनारस में सीनियर छात्रों द्वारा जूनियर छात्रों की रैगिंग, कमरा नंबर १६ की मौज और उनके विचारो का आपस में आदान प्रदान आदि का वर्णन किया हैं.

इस उपन्यास के मुख्य पात्र का नाम निशांत हैं. निशांत एक सीधा-साधा लड़का जो कानपुर से बनारस आता हैं. शुरुआत में उसमे थोड़ी हिचक होती हैं. लेकिन कुछ ही दिन में वो बनारस आई.आई.टी के रंग में रंग जाता हैं. यहाँ प्रसाद, आखिल, मोहित, और विवेक से उसकी मित्रता होती हैं.

निशांत जब प्रसाद के साथ बनारस के घाट पर घूमने जाता हैं तो उसे वहां शुभ्रा दिखती हैं. उसे देखते ही निशांत को उससे पहली नज़र वाला प्यार हो जाता हैं. एक दिन दारु पीकर उसके दोस्त निशांत के फ़ोन से शुभ्रा को  कुछ मेसेज और मिस-कॉल कर देते हैं. इसके बाद गर्ल्स और बॉयज हॉस्टल में बवाल मच जाता हैं. आगे जानने के लिए पढ़िए निखिल सचान द्वारा लिखित यूपी 65.  

यूपी 65 मनोरंजक के साथ-साथ एक प्रेरणादायक उपन्यास हैं. मैं मानती हूँ की इसमें गालियों का दिल से प्रयोग किया गया हैं. लेकिन कहानी का स्वाद बढ़ाने के लिए थोड़े मसाले लगते हैं, नहीं तो मजा कैसे आयेगा.ज्यादा मत सोचिए, जल्दी से पढ़िए निखिल सचान द्वारा लिखित यूपी 65.

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