Regretting You by Collin Hoover| Book Review| Book Summary

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Regretting You by Colleen Hoover is one book that will make you forget the world around you. This book is a complete package filled with emotions, drama, heartbreaks, unplanned pregnancy, and suspense that will keep you hooked till the end. The article below will tell you everything about this lovely book.

Author: Madhuri Tamse         

Cover star star star star

Plot star star star star half star

Narration star star star star half star

Characters star star star star

Realease Date 10 December 2019

Pages 365

Book Review of Regretting You by Colleen Hoover

Regretting You tells the story of Morgan and her teenage daughter Clara who are experiencing the common problems faced by mothers and their teenage daughters. Morgan is ready to do anything to protect her teenage daughter and that includes preventing her from doing the same mistakes that she made during her teenage years. She got pregnant with Clara at a very young age and this stopped her from doing things that she wanted to do with her life.

Clara knows very well that she didn’t want to follow in her mother’s footsteps. She had different dreams in her life. She is young, emotional, courageous, and a talented girl. 

Clara’s father Chris is the only person who can balance the family. But things go out of control when Chris and Jenny die in an accident.

Jenny is Morgan’s younger sister. She is just one year younger than Morgan. They share a lovely bond. Morgan always supported Jenny in difficult times. Clara is more closer to Jenny than Morgan. She shares all her problems and secrets with Jenny. She is her go-to cool aunt.

Jonah is Jenny’s ex-boyfriend, who left her immediately after Morgan got pregnant with Clara. Now, Jonah is back with Jenny as she gets pregnant with his child during their one-night stand. He is also Clara’s teacher at school. I love the untold relationship between Clara and Jonah.

Morgan and Clara need to support each other. But things go south when Morgan reaches out for support from a man she shouldn’t and Clara falls in love with Miller, to deal with her inner guilt.

Miller Adam is Clara’s boyfriend. He is supportive, understanding, and loving. He passed all the qualities of an ideal boyfriend. He is the one who stands by her in difficult times. He gave her lots of emotional support to deal with the loss of Jenny and Chris, the two most important persons in her life.

Miller Adams is one person in Clara’s life that made me feel jealous of her. He is the only light that helped her ‌cope with the loss of Chris and Jenny. 

There were a few additional characters. My favorite ones are Gramps and Lexie. Both characters add a flavor of humor to the story. Gramps was Miller’s maternal grandfather. Miller and Gramps share an amazing relationship that is filled with emotions and humor at the same time.

Lexie is Clara’s best friend. She is full of sarcasm all the time. They share a lovely relationship that is full of emotions filled with love and care.

Collin Hoover also gives a glimpse into the world of teenage dating and relationships. Miller and Clara are young teenage protagonists in the tale, who add spices of new adult romance to the story.

The best part about Regretting You was the family drama filled with lots of romance. I loved the past narrative which opens this story, which involves Morgan, Chris, Jenny, and Jonah in the past. This past glimpse set up the story well and also provides insight into the overprotective behavior of Morgan toward her daughter Clara. Colleen Hoover excellently covers the most common issues and conflicts related to the mother-daughter relationship.

Colleen Hoover tackles unplanned pregnancy, betrayal, friendship, first love, grief, and family drama in less than 400 pages. She tells a story about a tough topic that resonates with a real-life day-to-day issue faced by most people around the world. I feel if you are a parent to a teenage girl then I bet you are going to learn a lot from the book Regretting You.

I still have my own doubts and questions about the accident. This goes unanswered at the end of the Regretting You story.

I loved everything about Regretting You and highly recommend it to you.

Also Read: A Price to Love by Smita Das Jain

Best Quotes

Colleen Hoover’s book  Regretting You has soo many dialogs and quotes that touched my heart. My five favorite quotes are  

·   “I promise to commit to you, despite my potential future attraction to other people

·   “You are moving the city limit? For pizza?”

·   “I believed in you since the moment I met you. I believe in myself now that I’ve finally left you.”

·   “Sometimes you have to walk away from the fight in order to win it.”

·    “Jealousy can make a person do some shitty things, Morgan.”  

Book Summary of Regretting You by Colleen Hoover

Morgan married Chris because of an obligation since she got pregnant with her daughter Clara. But secretly she was attracted to Chris’ best friend Jonah Sullivan, who was dating her sister Jenny.

Now after seventeen years, Morgan is a housewife but somewhere inside she feels empty and incomplete. Jonah and Jenny break up within a few months and Jonah leaves ‌ town.

But, years later they had a one-night stand and Jenny got pregnant with Elijah. Now Jonah is back in town, working as Clara’s teacher, and engaged to Jenny.

Clare dreams of being an actress and wants to go to film school. She had a crush on Miller Adam who had a jealous girlfriend.

Clara and Morgan’s life changed overnight when Chris and Jenny died in an accident, revealing their long-buried secret.

While struggling to rebuild their life, Morgan finds comfort in the last person she expects to be with, while Clara gets involved with the person she was forbidden to see by Chris and Morgan. With each passing day, misunderstandings, and secrets make mother and daughter fall apart. Now, it is impossible for them to get back together.

Will grieving Morgan and Clara forgive each other? 

Will Morgan and Clara find a way to heal together?

To know more about Clara and Morgan read Regretting You by Colleen Hoover.

Also Read: Reminders of Him by Collin Hoover

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